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About TCF

The Compassion Flower (TCF) is a California-based non-profit public benefits corporation under American law and has been granted tax-exempt status under section 501(c) (3) of the IRS code. TCF is not organized for the private gain of any person. We have been providing support to the misfortune people in Asia, especially Vietnam, since 1990.

IRS ID:  20-5673537

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Our mission is to promote mutual understanding, friendship, cooperation, respect, and lasting peace among all people. We desire to bring assistance to underprivileged children, students, and women in remote areas of Vietnam, including benefitting impoverished people in South East Asia. We determine to help children raised in low-income families complete high school education or apprenticeship programs, Helping victims of human trafficking crime; And addressing the escalating practices of gender-based violence violating the human rights and dignity of women and girls. We promptly respond to local and international relief efforts for victims of natural disasters.


  •   We are dedicated to true impartiality, working without discrimination as to race, religion, or class. In providing aid, we will be guided solely by the people's dire needs and will give priority to the most urgent cases of distress. We are neutral and independent and will remain disconnected from any hostilities or controversies, or government organizations.
  • The service we provide is a voluntary relief movement not prompted in any manner by desire for gain. 100% of all donations will be sent directly to people in need. To ensure that 100% of donations reach the victims, all TCF members and volunteers pay for their expenses (vacation time, airfares) to execute TCF works in South East Asia.


Goals and Vission


  • Always open mind to needy people or society in need and aspire them get familiar with the organization's services. 
  •  Providing funds for educational and community healthcare programs to meet the needs of underprivileged people in remote areas.
  • Helping victims/survivors of commercial sexual exploitation, including prostitution, pornography, the virgin seeking industry, while also addressing the escalating practices of gender-based violence violating the human rights and dignity of women and girls.
  • Promptly responding to local and international relief efforts for victims of natural disasters.


Our efforts are currently focused on South East Asia; however, we hope to broaden our scope wherever possible.

We have several approaches to achieving our primary goals in the next five coming years:

(a) Help develop and further educational aids for students in need in remote villages by contributing funds, stationaries, textbooks, uniforms, bicycles, and equipment.

(b)  Help maintain affection centers for older adults and women and care for ailing elderlies in remote areas.

(c) Providing medical care to the poor by funding supplemental medical and food costs for surgical patients in hospitals, contributing supplies and equipment to local clinics, as well as organizing medical mission trips to serve poor people in highland tribal villages and coastal or swampy villages.

(e) Raise awareness of human trafficking by working with local women's associations to discuss the dangers of human and labor trafficking problems.

(f) Create Self-Empower Program for trafficked survivors, people at greater risk of being trafficked, and disabled women with the ultimate goal of self-sufficiency and self-empowerment for them.

" No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted."
